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On 20th of July in Mykolayiv state agrarian university the meeting with the name "Peculiarities of the agrarian sector development in Mykolayiv region and strategy of Ukrainian village development" took place. Mykola Prysyazhnyuk – Minister of Ukraine Agrarian Policy and food took part in the meeting.
The main task of the meeting was the discussion of developing strategy of Ukraine agrarian sector in Mykolayiv region with an allowance for social initiatives of President of Ukraine and its government.
All presents were invited into the discussion. Among them there were heads of villages’ settlements and region councils the head managers of enterprises and departments of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food of Ukraine, scientists and others.
At the beginning of the meeting the Head of Mykolayiv region local government Mykola Kruglov underlined that the changes of the climate and conditions of growth and processing of crops have its place nowadays.
That is why it is necessary to define the strategy of the following development of agrarian sector of Ukraine in our region.
In the process of the statistic figures as for the main tendency of the first half of the current year in the sphere of crop and livestock sectors were given. In spite of hard climate conditions our region executes the plan of meat and diary products producing.
The cooperation with science is the important link in agrarian sector of Ukraine development. This was the idea of Oleksandr Demidov – the Head of the crop sector department of the Ministry of Agrarian policy and food of Ukraine.
Besides, the heads of the departments underlined that there is a strong necessity to make the focus on the governmental support of medium and small enterprises. This is the idea of the ministerial initiative with the name "Native village", the main principle of which is to consolidate medium and small livestock producers and make the cooperatives and others forms of enterprises.
President of Mykolayiv state agrarian university Vyacheslav Shebanin made a report about innovative projects which are realized on the base of the University. He underlined that according to its implementation the cycle "Education – science- producing – processing and realization" was locked at the University.
The results of the meeting were announced by Mykola Prysyazhnyuk who said that Ukraine became a full-fledged player in the world food market.