Measures and actions to ensure the competitiveness of national educational professionals system for foreign countries

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4-5 April 2012 Head of International Relation Department Viktor Vyshkvarkov and IRD officer Vitalii Karbashevsky participated in the training workshop "Measures and actions to ensure the competitiveness of national educational professionals system for foreign countries", organized by Ukrainian State Centre of International Education. Among participants of this event were delegates from 137 higher education institutions that are licensed for training of foreign nationals, 52 entrepreneurs in the recruitment of foreign students and representatives of different Ukrainian authorities such as Department of Visa Policy of the Department of Consular Service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of Migration of the Ukrainian State Migration Service, Ukrainian State Border Service etc. Were discussed the following issues : "Training of foreigners in Ukraine as one of the important directions of state policy of Ukraine", "Features of state regulation of educational services export and competitiveness stimulating", "Crossing the border by foreign nationals who come to Ukraine to study" etc. In particular there were lively discussions on the question of changes in the legislation of Ukraine in the sphere of migration, which has gained particular importance in relation to Euro-2012.

Training workshop "Measures and actions to ensure the competitiveness of national educational professionals system for foreign countries".

Training workshop "Measures and actions to ensure the competitiveness of national educational professionals system for foreign countries".

Training workshop "Measures and actions to ensure the competitiveness of national educational professionals system for foreign countries".

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