The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU

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DBV logoThe German Farmers Union delegation have visited MNAU on 22-23 November 2012 to present educational practices in Germany and to select those students who wanted to go practice abroad. Representatives of the Union - Antje Bauch and Ivan Shinkarev met with Vyacheslav Shebanin, the rector, and discussed further cooperation. As the result the Agreement was signed, which puts communication between University and Union to a new level.

The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU.

After a preliminary selection, which have passed 15 students, started the second stage of the competition, the results of which will be announced shortly.

The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU.

The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU.

The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU.

The German Farmers Union Delegation Visited MNAU.

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