The in-depth courses of French language

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To improve the language proficiency of students, teachers and young scientists of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, the Association of Exchanges Burgun - Champagne - Ukraine (EBCU - Echanges Bourgogne Champague Ukraine),  which is the part of the Federation of Exchanges between France, Ukraine (Mykolayiv) and National Agrarian University organized and conducted in-depth courses of French language.

The in-depth courses of French language

This year, the invited teacher from France is Marie-Odile Vernje. She is a teacher of French as a foreign language more than thirty years. Marie-Odile is staisfied with the existing level of French language knowledge of MNAU students. In addition to the basic language course "Festival", which is specially adapted for Ukraine, a lot of time is devoted to aspects of local history and culture, science and study of professional terminology that is essential for the probation period abroad.

The in-depth courses of French language

The purpose of the cooperation of the University and the Federation is the organization of training  for the students of MNAU on French farms. With this organization our University has cooperated for more than five years.

The probation has three stages. At first the students live in a farmers' families, making a variety of work on the farm. In the second stage they can practice in stores or restaurants, mostly belonging to those farmers, because  alot of farms in France has so-called "full cycle" of work when  farmers grow , process and sell their products. In the third stage, the students are encouraged to have an internship in management positions as managers of shops, hotels, in economic departments, etc. After an internship abroad a specialist will conduct its own farm using the latest techniques, national experience from alma - mater and achievements of  the world agricultural and economic enterprises. In addition, in-depth knowledge of foreign languages, obtained after the internship, is also useful. At the end of training period before coming back home  the students should prepare a report on training in triplicate . They have to defend it before the members of the commission, and receive a certificate of participation. Also the probation is counted as manufacturing practice and is scoring.

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