Admission to postgraduate and doctoral departments

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In 2014 Mykolayiv National Agrarian University announces the
admission to postgraduate department in the field of:

08.00.03 - Economy and Management of National Economy
08.00.04 - Economy and management of enterprises (economic activities)
08.00.05 - The development of productive forces and regional economy
03.00.13 - Human and Animal Physiology
03.00.15 - Genetics (agricultural science)
06.01.01 - General agriculture
06.01.03 - Agrology and agrophysics
06.01.09 - Crops
06.02.04 - Technology of livestock products
06.02.01 - Breeding and selection of animals

to the doctorale department in the field of:

08.00.03 - Economy and Management of National Economy
06.02.01 - Breeding and selection of animals
06.02.04 - Technology of livestock products

The application should be addressed to the Rector opf Mykolayiv NAU with the following documents:

- Personal form  with a picture, certified by the personnel department in the workplace;
- Characteristic-recommendation from the last job or extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of HES or faculty (for persons who are recommended to graduate school immediately after graduation);
- A list of scientific publications and research. Graduate students who do not have scientific publications and studies should give thescientific reports (abstracts) in their chosen scientific specialty;
- Сurricullum Vitae;

- Medical health certificate 286-U; 
- Copy of diploma of higher education qualification of specialist or master degree (the person who received the appropriate education abroad should give a notarized copy of the diploma), certified by the personnel department about work and academic information;
- Reference to the examination of the candidate minimum (for those who passed the Ph.D. exams).

Upon admission to a doctoral program, moreover, must be submitted:

- A detailed plan of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science;
- Copy of diploma awarding the degree of Candidate of Sciences (in the case of receipt of the education abroad - a notarized copy of the diploma should be given).

Documents are accepted until October 10, 2014. Entrance examinations in special discipline, philosophy and foreign language - 21, October 31, November 11, 2014.

Passport, diploma of higher education and candidate of sciences degree should be given personally.

You can send your documents to:
54020, Mykolaiv, st. Paris Commune, 9, office 210

Contacts: (0512) 58-05-95 and online

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