MSAU was attended by representatives of the FEFU

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12.02.09 University was attended by representatives of the Federation of Exchanges France-Ukraine (FEFU). In the program of the visit was meeting with President Vyacheslav Shebanin and interviews with students to further the selection of candidates for participation in first level of CPCU training program. Selection criteria were high knowledge of French and motivation. Students, who passed the interview, will spend 2 months in the region Poitou Charente, France, in host families, so as to improve their French and further support of francophony.

MSAU was attended by representatives of the FEFU.
Right to left – Head of International Department Viktor Vyshkvarkov; President of Mykolayiv State Agrarian University Vyacheslav Shebanin; chairman of the delegation, Secretary FEFU CPCU Joseph TERRIEN; translator Anna Zelinsky; Professor Natalya Zrobok; representatives FEFU Francois Even and Roger Wovk

MSAU was attended by representatives of the FEFU.
Presentation of the Federation of Exchanges France-Ukraine before the interview with the students

MSAU was attended by representatives of the FEFU.

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