At the Great Palace of St. Lucia was officially signed the Magna Charta

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Magna Charta UniversitatumThe Bologna process has two components: the formation of the Commonwealth of leading European universities under the auspices of the document called Magna Charta Universitatum, and integration of national systems of education in the European space with uniform criteria and standards. The main goal of this process is consolidation of scientific and educational community efforts as well as the governments of European countries to significantly increase the competitiveness of European research and higher education in global terms.

Management of the Mykolayiv State Agrarian University, realizing the importance and necessity of further positive transformations in the field of science and education, can not stand by these processes. So during one of the regular meetings of the MSAU Academic Council, after analyzing the proposals of the International Department, was adopted unanimously a positive decision on accession to the Magna Charta Universitatum.

17-18 September 2009 in Bologna, Italy, the delegation of MSAU – Rector Vyacheslav Shebanin, Vice Rector Dmytro Babenko and senior lecturer Inna Stryukova – participated in the solemn celebration of the XXI Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum and Official signing ceremony.

September 17, 2009, at 9:00 began celebrations on the occasion of the XXI anniversary of the creation of Magna Charta Universitatum.

September 17, 2009, at 9:00 began celebrations on the occasion of the XXI anniversary of the creation of Magna Charta Universitatum. Theme of the conference this year was as follows: "Crisis, Cuts, Contemplations – How Academia may help rescuing society".
Among the speakers were:
- Pier Ugo Calzolari, Rector of the University of Bologna, Italy
- Fabio Roversi-Monaco, Honorary President of the Magna Charta Observatory
- Bastian Baumann, Secretary General of the Magna Charta Observatory
- Andrew McIntosh, member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom and member of the Committee on Education of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Steve Fuller, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
- Saleh Hashem, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities

Also, representatives of our University participated in workshops led by:
- Monique Fouilhoux, Deputy General Secretary of Education International
- Jairam Reddy, Consultant on Higher Education, South Africa
September 18, 2009 at 10:30 am, at the Great Palace of St. Lucia was officially signed the Magna Charta.

Ceremony begun with a welcoming speech made by Pierre Hugo Kalzolari, Rector of the University of Bologna, and Dimitris Tsougarakis, Rector of the Ionian University, were was provided a historic analysis of the role of universities for regional development. This was followed by the signing ceremony, in which Rector of MSAU Vyacheslav Shebanin among 36 representatives of new universities signed the Magna Charta Universitatum and thereby declared their commitment to adhering to its principles and values.

Rector of MSAU Vyacheslav Shebanin among 36 representatives of new universities signed the Magna Charta Universitatum.

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