Joint Ukrainian-Austrian e-learning mini-course

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In cooperation with the University of Alpen-Adria (Klagenfurt, Austria) at the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University from 18 to 20 February 2014 there was a three-day seminar on "Doing business and investment in Austria", held by professor Alexander Herbst .

Seminar was preceded by intense preparation. Within two months, a group of students of the Faculty of Management (total 51 students, specialties "Management and Administration " and "International Management") were preparing for the workshop, consulting with Mr. Herbst via Skype. The students were given direct access to the course materials, along with other students of the partner university.

This seminar was focused on social, economic and cultural aspects of doing business in Austria, with a focus on the types of business entities, legal, accounting, tax, health and safety issues and business culture. Language of instruction - English.

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