In November, 2015 the research and teaching staff of the Finance and Credit, and Accounting and Auditing Departments have been trained and took part in the II International scientific forum «New economics» (Krakow, Poland).

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The Event was organized by the All-Ukrainian Union of economists, Kraków University of Economics and Academic Cooperation by Mikhail Baludyanskyy who teamed up for the international scientific and business cooperation, the exchange of ideas, research and practical experience, the establishment of joint projects.

At the plenary session at the Krakow University of Economics the presentations were made by the Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Natalia Sirenko, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Dubinin Marina.

During the internship the research and teaching staff of the University took part in several events: a conference on the 400th anniversary of the political economy and the theory and practice of economic systems' reform; seminar discourse on the role of mercantilism and economic development of the prominent French economist Antoine de Montchretien in the context of reforming the current national and international economic systems; seminar discourse "The scientific legacy of the Austrian school of economic economic systems'reform"; a roundtable to discuss the results of research on the role of innovation in economic development.

During the internship, our scientists acquainted with the educational conditions and the organization of research work in leading European universities, and also took part in the scientific discussions of scientific and practical experience of reforming the economic system in Poland, the Czech Republic, France, Austria and Hungary.

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